Out with Kaiying to 工展会 at causeway bay PLUS shopping at taikoo city plaza
Here's what I bought! Think it totalled up to 314 HKD @.@
(sorry its kinda messy)
THREE boxes of konnyaku 魔芋 for steamboat at the 工展会 (3 for HKD10),
FOUR keychains from capsule machines (4 X HKD 10),
ONE mango top (HKD81),
ONE pair of corduroy 灯芯绒 shorts from mango (HKD 119),
ONE tote bag (HKD 59.50)
TWO bottles of drinks (blueberry, mulberry) (HKD 7.50)
accounts done! think i got the math wrong at the first part, forgot the sum x.X
Alright, I met kaiying at 11 pm, causeway bay exit e and walked to victoria's park where the fair was held. Causeway bay is..VERY far away from my house, I left at 9:50am and reached at 11am sharp.
The journey involves taking bus 238M to Tsuenwan 荃湾 MTR station, taking the train to Admiralty 金钟站 and transferring to the Blue line (forgot the name) and finally stopping at causewaybay 铜锣湾站. I was bored during the long ride and memorized all the stop on the entire red line, lol.
We thought the place would be less crowded if we went there earlier (the fair starts at 11am). Boy were we wrong! Look at the snaking queue! Lucky this is not China and there aren't (many) people who cut queues :X
btw, it took us more than 5 - 10 minutes to reach this place. Entrance fee was HKD10, approx. SGD 2. Quite worth it for the free food sampling and great deals ;D
We were given a "scratch-and-win" card, a booklet containing coupons and a map of the place, plus some...something, I couldn't be bothered to see what it was. Part of the welcome gift package, I suppose.
There were many free food samples including mushrooms, noodles, soup, drinks, desserts, snacks, sweets and so on. I spotted my favourite konnyaku 魔芋 at HKD 10 for 3 packs and instantly bought it. This stuff is FABULOUS for steamboat, trust me.
The place was really extremely crowded so we had to squeeze in to get the small cup of free samples. Only other thing we bought were 4 bottles of blueberry and mulberry drinks @ HKD 15, quite worth it for its really 清甜 taste IMHO. Blueberry's great for your eyes, btw.
Ohyes, there was the "Magic yogurt" that caught our attention. The sales assistant was like, "20 块选两种水果”, but the other customers were walking away with ice cream cones so we couldn't really connect REAL FROZEN FRUITS and ICE CREAM together.
result....ICE CREAM. We suspect they put it in some blender, mix it with yogurt and freeze it intantly to make icecream. Any idea?
We got watermelon and strawberry (I chose the former and ky the latter) but could only taste the watermelon ): Nonetheless an interesting buy.
Walked around some more (squeezed, rather) and felt really tired so we got ourselves some seats. Before that, I took a picture with MISTER 冬蟲夏草 (Cordyceps)!
That's me cause ky HATES cordyceps lol.
oh, notice his butt.
DO NOT CLIMBING!! (perfect english, srsly!)
Then we took pictures with MISTER 保心安膏!
I (LOVE) 保心安膏!
Sorry ky its abit dark again ): Didn't have hands to adjust settings again O:
uhuh, ky got a seat and I wandered off to take more photos. Due to the very bright sunlight, these are the only two "decent" photos I could get and it isn't really decent either...
crazy crowded.
That's ky feeling really tired ):
Sheep mascot! (for what idk) There was a girl inside lol.
then we walked some more and..
Ohyes, there were capsule machines there.
You know how many there were?
zomg. try counting if you can't fall asleep.
Even little babies like capsule machines! :D
Kaiying kept saying "sigh, its so tough to be a blogger omg...you have to notice these itty bitty details..." when I was counting the number of rows...truth is, I do these "bo liao" stuff even if I don't blog, LOL. :P
Then we got bored of that stuffy place and left. Great experience, great price but stuff are more suitable for adults. My mom bought like two BIG bags of food yesterday. Well, at least we fulfilled our wish :]
On the way back to the mrt...
I made friends with an ostrich!
Speaking of making friends, I saw FOUR girls with the exact same scarf as me and decided to call them my "friends". Very lame, eh.
But its kinda cool cause one of them connected with me leh! (sorta) Imagine if somebody comes up to to me and says "OMG WE HAVE THE SAME SCARF LETS BE FRIENDS!" Tempted to do that one day hahah :D
Kaiying and the stuff. weird heads..
We took the MTR to taikoo 太古 (4 or 5 stops away) and walked to 太古城 (Taikoo city plaza). Its like VIVO! I only went to that place cause ky told me there was a MANGO sale there lol, but that place is kinda awesome cause its hell big and we kept getting lost there!
I was in a bad mood at first and wasn't too enthusiastic about finding new clothes..until ky offered to carry that big bag for me (my back was really breaking so thanks ky!) and I tried on a few pieces and came out all happy and smiling :D She was like, "WOAH WHY YOU SUDDENLY SO ENTHU?!" The big heavy bag gives you a bad mood, really.
I got myself the pair of BLACK corduroy ( 灯芯绒) shorts at HKD 119 and a white top at HKD 81! Didn't really like the rest of the Tees. I actually saw that same pair of shorts in Singapore while shopping with Ashley, it was selling at 50+ bucks if I'm not wrong! REALLY GOOD BUY! (remember to divide currency by 5.2)
shopped at uni qlo and other places (and saw the botique with the grey bag I liked but they only had blue and black ): ) The tomlee there had ALOT of pianos and scores too, and there was this guy trying to play like lang lang and ky couldn't stand him and I don't like lang lang so we went out LOL.
We also went to TOYS'R'US and had a go at the capsule machines! Got ourselves MOS BURGUR keychains, and I got a TAIKO NO TATSUJIN hp chain and some rice container thingy.
The super mario DS catridge holder's from the fair.
Got really tired after awhile and had lunch at MACS. I had a filletofish and ky a clam chowder.
Here's our keychains which we hung on our handphones :)
Left at around 6 cause my mom cooked dinner, my dad's home and my cousin and aunt came over too!
The mrt was freaking crowded and I was standing very near a bunch of irritaing girls.
One was an indian (with a caucasian accent and don't be surprised, there ARE some indians there), one was a phillipino (with weird braces) and the other was a chinese (with a caucasian accent too). They were bitching about their friends in that TYPICAL bimbo-act-popular-cheerleader-ish kinda schoolgirl.
Funny thing was, the indian girl started complaining about how "dirty" indian men were and started calling her friend a "fricken nigger"?! like, "HAHAHA, You're half a fricken nigger, nigger nigger!!!!!" Eh....?
Oh, 6 trains zoomed past and nobody could get on it.
I think I waited forever to get on the train and I heard a man next to me swearing O: The other teenager was playing his PSP and started swearing too, but it was cause he lost the game or something. He had interesting facial expressions though.
On the train, the indian girl commented,
"why do the chinese do PDA so much?"
and the other girl said,
"yeah, the japs don't even do it so often...ya know, they get all romantic on the escalators here!"
so the third one went,
"They frickin do it on the videos, dude! I watched a few on youtube! Oh, but that girl is kinda cute don't you think?"
ROFL. But its true, they PDA alot here. I saw several couples already hahha.
One last comment, the guys here are much much more good looking and the girls too!! I saw a really cute person but he was like digging his nose in public o_O ......
Ky also told me that Lesbianism is VERY common here in hongkong. Hmm...too many pretty girls already la. But I don't understand how they won't fall for the guys LOL (many of them are AH-BENGish though ]: )
Uhmm, upon reaching home, I was greeted by this:
That's some mini steamboat, Charsiew, Rice, Pigeons and tougay.
omg my tummy is super big caannot stand it must exercise!! My cousin is quite cute la :D
with my aunt!
Had a terrible headache, neurofen saves the day!!!
K I'm off! 1 am already ):
KAYING GET WELL SOON!!! (she has a sorethroat! ): )
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